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Roundabout Chiredzi - Household Parties

Written by Favoured   

Household Party

Wow, you can't believe the atmosphere embedded all over Chiredzi this past weekend. From what I hear, there were quite a number of get-togethers here and there, hey? Surely none would surpass the household party that took place in the Kingfishers Nest.

Household parties are quickly making a name among the women folk of Chiredzi. It seems to be a spectacular and very encouraging idea and is best defined by those involved. From a bird’s-eye viewpoint, a group of ladies come together and decide on an amount they each contribute. When agreed, they take turns to host a party with food provided by the group members. Invites are sent out to call others to come and support the hostess with gifts of any household use. The immediate organising group buys the bigger items like stoves, fridges and sofas – you name it.

You should have been there madzimai. The place was beautifully decorated and what a party it was! You'd agree with me it's such a good cause and shuwa chara chimwe hachitswanyi inda. Chiredzi you are too much. Keep on the support and let us know where there's another of this beautiful kind.

The Proverbs 31 Woman is here now, we are proud of you and may God bless the works of your hands.



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Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 March 2011
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