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Advertise on EWAY Chiredzi

Why Advertise Using Banners?

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A web banner is a form of online advertising composed of images. Clicking on a banner directs the prospective customer to either the advertiser's listing on EWAY Chiredzi, or any other relevant website. On EWAY Chiredzi advertising banners appear on every single page:

  • One Leaderboard advert at the top of every page.
  • Two Vertical Banner adverts on the right of every page.

Banners bring customers one click away from your business. The banner attracts visitors and entices them to 'click through' to your page. It is a cost effective method of driving customers to your EWAY Chiredzi listing, or other website.

Banner ads provide multiple opportunities to bring across your important message in record time. This leaves your prospect with an on-the-spot opportunity to make a decision; making banner advertising an ideal tool for generating revenue.

Even if viewers don't 'click through', they will be repeatedly exposed to your brand name in context with your business message. This creates brand awareness and a brand image in the viewer's mind so that when the time comes, they will remember you. Brand recognition is an important part of any business.

Finally, EWAY Chiredzi has a very focused target audience in the South Eastern Lowveld. Advertising on EWAY Chiredzi allows you to target your chosen demographic more precisely.

To discuss any of your advertising or internet requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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